
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Forgiveness by Matthew West

A few years back Matthew West wrote a song on forgiveness.  He now has a book out based on the song. I would have to say that this book was one of the most thought-provoking and enjoyable books to read on the topic (and I have read a TON of books on forgiveness).  Matthew's writing style is easy to read, humorous at times, and poignant at others.  He divides the book into four different sections: forgiving others, asking for forgiveness, forgiving yourself, and embracing God's forgiveness.  In each section, Matthew weaves personal stories (you even get to read the story that inspired the song), quotes on forgiveness, and his own thoughts on the subject.  I really liked the different angles he touched on. Hearing stories from people that struggled to apologize and why they struggled to reconcile was eye-opening.

If you are struggling with the hard topic of forgiveness, no matter if you are the offender or the one offended, I would highly recommend Matthew West's book!

Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in order to review it.  I am not required to give a positive review.  All my opinions are my own.

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