
Monday, October 28, 2013

Exhale Thanks

There is joy in gratitude. Watching and searching for all the way He blesses brings great happiness. Exhaling thanks for all He does...


-Playing games with my Spanish students

-Getting through a week with sick kids
-Time to rest to get back to better health
-The possibility of NO SNOW on the ground before Halloween.  Last time that happened here was 1938!
-Working on my Spanish blog
-God blessing me in the loneliness
-Having Tim home
-Extra work
-Titan doing well getting shots
-Lunch with a friend
-Getting two books read
-A warm bed
-Walks in the evening
-My second son's 7th spiritual birthday
-Watching Titan play with his new ball

-Spending almost the whole weekend reading. (I have been sick and unable to go anywhere.)
-This book...exciting stuff for a language teacher!

-A husband that cooks (or warms up leftovers) while I am sick
-A friend telling me that she misses me
-Get well wishes
-The opportunity to pack shoe boxes again for children in need
-Lots of rest
-A happy mood

1 comment

  1. Great list! You have much to be thankful for even in sickness. I am going to check out your Spanish blog since my daughter is taking Spanish this year. Blessings to you! Rachael @ Inking the Heart
