
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 Days Around the Web

Today begins 31 Days!  Each October bloggers around the web pick one topic to talk about for the whole month.   I will be posting about...

You can find my posts here.

Here are some other 31 Days series that look interesting...

31 Days of Calling on Jesus by Ann Voskamp

31 Days of Grace

31 Days of Praying for your Teen

31 Days of Kitchen Time Savers

31 Days of Homeschooling Your Family Tree

31 Days of 15 Minute Decorating Ideas

31 Ways to Speak Love

To see ALL the series, click on over to The Nester. 


  1. There are so many, aren't there. I have made a list of those I want to follow and then I will hop around and try to get to some more....

  2. Thank you so much for the mention, Debbie! I'm so touched that you've included me. I hope I live up to your interest! :) There are so many great topics being shared. If I didn't use an RSS reader (Feedly) I'd be sunk! I'm adding them like mad - your series included. I'm so glad to have found you!

    ~ Stephanie

  3. Stephanie- Looking forward to your posts!!!
