
Friday, September 6, 2013

To "One Another" One Another (Building Up)

There are about 59 commands in the New Testament that speak to how we are to treat each other.  They are the "one another" commands.  For the month of September (on Thursdays and Fridays) I will be exploring some of what God calls us to do for each other.

So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another. Romans 14:19

Building.  It takes more effort than destroying.  Building takes planning and work.  Destroying can happen in an instant. We are called to build each other up. Not tear each other down. Here are a few ideas on how to build others up:

1. Be careful with your speech.  Probably the place we tear others down the most is in what we say to them. We need to speak encouragement and kindness into the lives of others.

2. Promote peace. We may not always agree, but we can still honor others even if they don't agree with us.

3. Be intentional about building others up.  Human nature tends to neglect or tear down those around us.  We are (because of our sin nature) selfish.  We need to seek opportunities to build each other up. Remembering birthdays, special anniversaries, or events in another person's life is one way to encourage them. Remembering to pray for them (and telling them that you are) is another way.  Look for opportunities to praise one another.

4. Carry another's sorrows and joys. God calls us to rejoice with those who are rejoicing.  He also wants us to share in others' sorrows.  I will never forget the time a friend cried over the fact that I had miscarried. It spoke volumes that she would be so concerned.

5. Give grace to others in their weaknesses.  After all, aren't we all weak in some area?

Build each other up because...
They will know us by our love.

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