
Monday, September 30, 2013

The Master Weaver

{Pear Pecan Muffins}

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive. Genesis 50:20  

Don't you just love the phrase, "But God..."?  Where would we be if it weren't for those "But God" moments.  Last week through some reading (You'll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times) I was doing, I learned that the above verse has such deep meaning.  "You meant evil" comes from the Hebrew word "chashab" which means to weave. Maybe evil was weaved into our stories...  But God meant it for good. God comes and reweaves our story to bring about a blessing. We can't thank the Master Weaver enough.  Praise belongs to the Creator of those "But God" moments.  So I continue my list to find all those ways He weaves grace into my life...


-Pear Pecan Muffins
-Genesis 50:20
-The good He weaves
-A printer fixed
-A special time of Bible study
-Learning lessons for my boys
-A son who loves to read
-Chamomile tea
-A weekend to rest
-Playing a game with my students in Spanish
-Warmer days (after having snow)
-Attending a precious little girl's birthday party
-The smell of fall
-That we are broken to be a blessing
-Noah doing well at a swim meet
-Making three lasagnas for the freezer
-The privilege of praying for others
-Starting a new Bible study...
Knowing God By Name: A Personal Encounter

I am linking up at...

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