
Monday, August 5, 2013

The Net that Holds

You pull in your life and you see that though you felt ripped open-- the net actually didn't tear. There's grace in your net. --Ann Voskamp

Counting the graces in my net today...


-Strawberry rhubarb syrup

-Holding a baby bunny

-Finding out my son prevented a forest fire!
-Truths from God's Word
-Words of comfort and love from others
-Listening to fun stories from teens
-A gift unexpected
-A card that brings smiles
-My son coming home
-An Azure order in
-A computer fixed
-Tons of red and yellow tomatoes
-More than enough to share from the garden
-A problem solved
-Italian soda
-Getting some meals cooked
-Reading What to Do on the Worst Day of Your Life which is helping me to see that God recovers all
-Getting through a rough emotional week
-Flowers from friends
 -Safe travels for Tim
-My son completing a summer of being a counselor to kids at a Bible camp



  1. A beautiful list :) Popping by from A Holy Experience today!

  2. Blessed to read here again Debbie. Especially liked your devotional post from a few days ago, ( only God can pull us out of our miry pits! ) For some reason, your gratitude list fascinates me. (?) Thanks for sharing. Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia
