
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Well-Planned Day

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.  Psalm 90:12

This year I have promised myself that I need to be organized.  I have always been fairly together when it comes to schedules and the like, but I have to admit that the past two school years that has fallen by the wayside.  Last school year was SO BUSY because of my workload (I was doing a special Spanish class for about thirteen kids), that I didn't have much time.  I let my personal schedule and the scheduling of homeschooling go by the wayside.  That is not to say that we didn't get our schoolwork done last year.  It was just that things didn't run as smoothly.

This year I have a plan and "The Well-Planned Day!" I am going to be mapping out our school lives a little more diligently this year so that I don't wake up Monday morning in a panic!!  The Well-Planned Day is a planner for homeschool moms.  I love that it is put out by a Christian company and that there are verses throughout it!

There is a lot in here.  Probably more than I will use.  But here are some of the pages that I really like...

A place for grades for each child...

A homeschool article for each month...

Weekly calendars that have enough space to plan out lessons for four different kids...

There are also pages to write down your class plans for each child, to list semester goals, and to make note of books to enjoy.  For each month there are six shopping lists that are perforated so that you can make your list and then pull it out to take to the store.  There is a place on each weekly page to write out your dinner menu.  Also, there are places to record...
*Weekly Priorities
*Charts for planning the Christmas season (right before the December pages)
*Plans for the next year
*And even report cards (on heavier cardstock) in the back that you can pull out

And then to top it off the planner is just plain BEAUTIFUL!  So how do you keep track of everything?  What organizational tools do you use to keep your homeschool running smoothly?


  1. This is a great planner, this is put together just right for home school families

  2. I so agree! I love the way it is set up.
