
Monday, July 1, 2013

God is in the Details

"God is in the details; God is in the moment. God is in the moment. God is in all that blurs by in a life--even hurts in a life." --Ann Voskamp


-A road trip with Tim
-Seeing farmland
-Fox, moose, rabbits along the road 

-A baby robin that staying in our yard for several days
-Watching the robin learning to fly
-A breeze during high heat
-A productive day of work
-That God is in the details even when we don't understand them

-Ripening tomatoes
-A extra puppy in the house
-Glorious summer days
-Scotcharoos (never had them before this week...Yum!)
-Watching my sons grow
-Too many cucumbers to count
-Getting my psychology test done
-The youth in our group
-Much needed sleep after a night of insomnia
-Time with Zach
-Watching Noah ride
-Freedom that forgiveness brings
-That we live in the country that we live in.  We have so many privileges. 

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