
Monday, July 22, 2013

Give Thanks for the Lice

We need to be thankful in everything even those circumstances that seem to have no redeeming value.  Corrie Ten Boom, the author of The Hiding Place, relates the following story of when her and her sister were in one of Hitler's death camps during World War II.

One day, Betsy said to her, "Corrie, we need to give thanks to God for the lice."

Corrie said, "Betsy, you have gone too far this time. I am not going to thank God for lice."

Betsy said, "Oh, but Corrie, the Bible tells us, 'In everything give thanks.' "

Still, Corrie did not want to thank God for the lice. As it turns out, Corrie and Betsy were trying to reach the other women in their barracks with the message of the gospel, and they had been holding Bible studies. Corrie found out later that because of the lice, the guards would not go into those barracks, and therefore, they were able to have their Bible studies. As a result, they led many of the women to the Lord. So it turns out that God can even use lice. 

Continuing to give thanks in everything...


-The gift of my dad's photography.  His photos so show the wonders of God's creation!

-Counseling from a friend
-A friend helping me clean
-A rose from my husband
-Emotional support from my husband
-Blueberry picking

-Getting ahead in my psychology class.  Almost done!
-Homeschool planning

-The excitement of a new year
-Appreciating my sons and who they are
-Financial provision for the school year (above and beyond expectation)
-Produce from the garden
-BLT's. One of my favorite sandwiches
-Rain (We so need it!)
-A phone conversation with my dad
-My dad's support and love
-My dad's compassion
-This quote..."God can chart a straight course in the worst storm. He is righteous even when He uses wicked instruments, and gracious when He dispenses harsh providences. Do not over react to changes in your temporal estate. Christ told us to expect some rough sailing before we reach heaven's shore. Behind the travail of every affliction is a blessing waiting to be born. "

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