
Monday, June 17, 2013

I Will Tell of All Your Deeds

But as for me, it is good to be near God.
    I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;
    I will tell of all your deeds.  Psalm 73:28


-This quote: "All is grace--because God's transfiguring all things for His glory.--Ann Voskamp
-Learning of how far our God will go to redeem us.
-Feeling unloved and then God pouring out His love on me through the words and deeds of others.  He just dumped on the love!!
-Twenty-one years of marriage
-Wild roses along the path I walk
-Walking with a friend
-Time at a coffee shop
-Interacting with the very sweet owner of that coffee shop
-A new purse and wallet made by a friend  (She has awesome products.  Check out her Facebook page!)

-Planning for the upcoming school year.

-Getting my haircut
-Warm weather
-New Spanish students for the summer
-Time to work on my college class and also plan my Spanish lessons for the coming fall
-Tim getting a lot of projects done around the house
-A chance for Noah to go camping with a friend
-Baby robins hatched this week!!!

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