
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Grace + Thanksgiving = Joy

"This giving thanks--this is what we are made for: To give Him more glory. More thanks. This is more joy!" -Ann Voskamp 

There is joy in accepting what God gives.  It doesn't matter what the gift may be...a blessing or something that looks like a curse.  Even the curses become blessings if we will just give thanks for them.  The road to joy is paved with gratitude...


-All the grace that God gives
-A dad who helps me when I need him
-A gift given
-Boots in the mail
-Framing up my dad's photos
-First fruits of the garden

-Tomato blossoms

-Laughter shared to ease the pain
-A clean puppy for the week
-The Psalms
-An old friend revisited...going to do this study over again

-Finishing the reading for my college course for the week.  It was a lot of reading!
-Tears that cleanse the soul
-The privilege to teach others
-Understanding that if He has seen me through in the past, He will do it again 
-That we were given enough
-God orchestrating powerful events
-Knowing that God is in control
-Being able to teach when I was incredibly tired
-Roasting marshmallows
-Baby birds in our backyard

-The wit of my sons
-Watching a movie with Noah
-Texting with Zach and learning about his adventures

-Watching baby birds hop across our lawn
-The smell of grilling
-The moon at 1am {remember we live in the far north where it is light even in the middle of the night right now.}

-Very warm weather
-New students for the fall
-"For I know whate'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well."

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