
Monday, January 7, 2013

January Blessings

"Thanksgiving always precedes the miracle." -Ann Voskamp


-Joyous lunch with a friend
-Praying over someone on the phone
-A quiet evening at home on the last night of the year
-Breaking through the fear
-A compassionate husband
-The example of a woman giving thanks in the worst of circumstances
-A reprieve from the bitter cold
-A decluttered house
-Time in prayer
-That others would seek my counsel (It humbles me.)
-Focusing on my Word of the Year...
-Learning about kinsman-redeemers in the Bible
-Pad Thai
-A cuddled up puppy beside me
-A better work schedule this year
-Free bread from Great Harvest
-Praying for others

1 comment

  1. HOpping over from Ann's today. Lovely list and have a great week.
