
Monday, August 20, 2012

Blessed in the Lower 48

We just got back from a two week trip to the Lower 48.  It 14 days filled with blessings.  Normally I count my blessings on my blog on Mondays, but this week I have decided to count them for five days straight...kind of like a review of our trip and all that happened.


-An airline employee who was watching out for us
-Listening to a cello in the Portland airport
-Much needed sleep
-DVD's for the boys to watch in the airport
-Answers to prayers about a friend's horse
-Time in the airport...time to read God's Word
-That when we reel from the troubles around us He reels us in closer
-People watching
-A mocha after almost a month without coffee
-This quote, "Perhaps anxiety is an act of grace because it encourages us to face our fears, so that we can then choose to freely follow God."  -Taken fromThe Anxious Christian: Can God Use Your Anxiety for Good?
-The sound of crickets (not something we have in central Alaska)
-A trip to the zoo and botanical gardens


-Shopping at the Mall of America
-Bath and Body Works (don't have them in Alaska)


1 comment

  1. Came over this morning from Holy Experience and have enjoyed looking around your blog. I blog at
