
Friday, May 20, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal- May 20th

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

.In my life this week… Life has been super busy! I have been working on Spanish lessons for next year for one of my more advanced students.  I teach Spanish to homeschoolers during the school year, and the summertime is my only time to prep lessons.  I have also been working on getting my garden up and running. Still have some work in that area!
In our homeschool this week… We are winding down and finishing up the last of our subjects.  Both boys have spelling and Apologia to finish.  We will continue math through the summer. While the boys have been finishing I have been cleaning out the bookshelves and reorganizing our homeschool books.  I have put tons of our curriculum that we are done with on Ebay and put some in storage for later.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…This week has been low-key since we are just finishing up school subjects.  We did get a chance to do some geocaching which was fun!  At the end of our excursion I told the boys I had a geocache of my own that I wanted to take them to.  I then proceeded to take them to the store to pick out some ice cream sandwiches.  Noah said that that was the best geocache ever! LOL 
My favorite thing this week was…playing games with Noah and watching Zach change (he has become so helpful and mature the last few weeks).  Awesome!
What’s working/not working for us…RightStart math games have been a blessing to us! I am using these games to teach Noah fraction concepts so that when his new math book arrives (Math-U-See Epsilon) he will already have a foundation in fractions.  I love how these games teach concepts and make the whole experience fun!
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have…Just wondering how I am going to plan Zach's high school schedule. I wanted to do a block schedule with him, but I think that will be detrimental to his math learning.  Maybe he will do Bible, math, and English each day and then the other subjects we will rotate.  Still deciding what is best.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share… Missing my dad. He was up here a few weeks ago for a visit.  I pray that someday my boys will turn out like him...loving, kind, and fun!


  1. Curious about the math games, you mentioned... my daughter is going into the 7th grade... I am thinking of doing math games over the summer but the only ones I've really found (other than standard games you manipulate for basic math) are lower elementary... Do you know of "higher" leveled ones?

  2. good for you for continuing math through the summer - we (I) need a break from math! we are starting 6th and 7th grades next year.

  3. Misty- Higher level math games are hard to find! Muggins math has a pre-algebra one called OPPS. Some of the fraction games are for olders kids and would be great review.

    You might want to look into Hands-On Equations. While they are not games it is a great way to introduce algebra concepts in a unstressful way. Go to to find their stuff.

  4. I think my kiddos would enjoy geocaching {sp?}...maybe I'll have to plan it for the summer while we're off :)

    Sounds like you had a great week!

  5. We do math and reading every day, even when we are running "homeschool lite" during tax season. I do however, utilize the more fun activities (computer, reading games) when we are doing homeschool lite so the kids do get a much needed break from the bookwork. stopping by from HMJ.
