
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bible in 90 days- New Session

Have you ever read through the entire Bible?  Has it been your goal to do so and you have never made it? Last summer I was able to read through the entire Bible by participating in the Bible in 90 Days program.  It was a life-changing experience for me in which I was able to delve into God's Word and learn more about Him.

You may be asking yourself...."Why in the world would a person try to read the Bible that quickly?" Actually, there are several advantages to doing it this way.  First of all, I found it it easier to read the Bible through fast as opposed to say, in a year.  I constantly tell people that I did the Bible in a year plan in 18 months.  I just couldn't keep to the schedule, because I lost interest.  With the Bible in 90 days my interest level stayed high and I was able to finish in 66 days!  One of the benefits of reading like this is that you get a great overview of God's Word.  You start to make connections with different parts of the Bible that you would have never done otherwise.  And finally, you get through the tough books faster (think, Leviticus).

Amy over at Mom's Toolbox will be starting a reading session in July.  If you sign up at her site (sign-ups will start sometime in June), she will place you with a mentor who will check in with you each week to keep you motivated.  I am planning on being a mentor this time around and would love to mentor any of my blog readers.  To request me just ask for Debbie at The Architect and the Artist.

To find out more about the Bible in 90 Days please check out my Bible in 90 days page at the top of my blog.


  1. I've only read through the entire Bible once. I love the concept of the 90-day plan, but I don't think my schedule will allow me to stay on track (and I so hate to get behind in anything).

    Thanks for visiting me at A Season for All Things. I'm your newest follower and look forward to reading more of your posts.

    ~ Ellen

  2. Happy HHH Tuesday! I have contemplated this and would love to give it a try. :) Thanks for stopping by Unique Family Vision. I am following you now!

  3. Be blessed! I'm so glad I did it this spring. It was great!
