
Monday, April 4, 2011

Springtime Gifts


A chance to earn some extra cash

A great book from one of the ladies I mentored with the Bible in 90 Days

Long walks to soak in some sunshine


Date nights

Friends to go to lunch with

Blessing others

A new Bible study

Boys that are old enough to make breakfast


Melting snow

God's grace

Laughter in spite of the pain

Understanding friends

{Want a mini gratitude journal? Ann Voskamp has one on her blog today! Go check it out.}

1 comment

  1. I clicked over from Ann’s link.

    I heart picking a favorite from each list – my favorite from yours this week is: God's grace (it is amazing, we can never ever be perfect on our own – we can never have fellowship with a perfect God and Father – unless he makes a way – and he did – and the more I think about it – the more astounding it is. Thank you for this.

    God bless you and keep you – and all of yours.
