
Friday, March 11, 2011

The Count of Monte Cristo

I am on a mission this year to read some of the classics that I missed earlier on in life.  One novel that so many people raved about that I had never read was The Count of Monte Cristo.  I recently finished it and have to say that I wasn't disappointed! This novel by Alexandre Dumas has a little of everything in it...romance, treachery, mystery, action, and revenge.  It's a rather long novel, but everytime I picked it up I enjoyed what I was reading.  My only problem was that I did kind of get lost in the middle of the book because there are so many characters and storylines. It doesn't help either that the Count goes under several different names in the story. I eventually had to find a character map online to sort it all out.

I keep telling my husband that he has to read this book!  I would highly recommend it.  Now I am looking forward to see The Count of Monte Cristo in movie version just for fun.

I am Booking It! this year. To see my reading list, click here.


  1. That is a great book. I've seen the movie too, and had mixed feelings. While it's a good film and well-made, it's not exactly "The Count of Monte Cristo." They take some major liberties with the plot, which always bothers me. I'll be interested to know what you think of it when you see it!

  2. I read that book in high school -- in French. I wish I had understood it. Ha! Guess I better revisit it.

  3. I read this in high school as well after I discovered Dumas. I remember enjoying it, but it's been a while. I enjoyed the movie as well.

  4. I love The Three Musketeers, so I ought to give this book a try. Thanks for the recommendation!

  5. I decided this year also that I want to read the older classics that I missed. I love the older classics! However, I have to wait until October to start because being in school I have little time to enjoy pleasure reading. I will be adding this book to my list!
