
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Art and Hymns {Beth Stone}

I love Beth Stone's artwork!  I recently bought four of her works in greeting card form that I could frame and hang in our little half bath that has been nothing but bare walls since we moved in here (That was over a decade ago...sad, but true! Call me a procrastinator.) Or maybe it was because I just needed the right art in there.

Our main bath has a theme to it.  It has artwork from Barbara LaVallee (an Alaskan artist) in it. Remember Mama, Do You Love Me? She is the artist for many children's books.  For example, I made a quilt to hang in there based on this piece...

I also have lots of other LaVallee artwork hanging in that bathroom.  And her work hasn't just been contained in the has begun to seep into other parts of the house.

So now it is the little bathroom's time to get a theme and some art.  I just love this series of collages that Beth Stone did with hymns!  I am pretty sure that that her work will sneak into other places too around the house!

1 comment

  1. What a gorgeous quilt! I'm so impressed - you did an excellent job recreating that beautiful illustration...

    And I'm honored to have my work displayed in your home! Thanks for the post! :o)
