
Friday, February 25, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: In Which we get Dumped on

This has been a crazy week of snow!  We had about 18 inches fall on Monday, and we are currently getting more snow as I type!  Monday morning school was delayed a bit just so we could dig ourselves out!  You know it is bad when you have to dig a path for your mini schnauzer so that he can "do his duty" outside! LOL

We are plugging along in school.  We have about 6 more weeks of our history curriculum and under 10 weeks for some of the other subjects. It is cool to see that we are reaching the end in some areas.

This week Zach read Edgar Allen Poe for the first time, The Cask of Amontillado.  He thought it was pretty creepy!  I told him that as far as I know all his writings are like that.  Zach is now working on writing a critique for it.

We received some of our new curriculum for next year this week!!!!  I am sure that I am the only one that is excited about it!

1 comment

  1. That's a lot of snow! We gave up on getting any snow and went ahead and did a unit study on snow I'd been planning for a while.
    Getting new curriculum is always fun. We're doing Exploring Creation with Astronomy right now, but I'm having trouble deciding what to do next year.
