
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Grace in a Hard Place

{Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy}

I have a confession to make.  The books listed above are not my favorites to read.  There is a plethora of hard stuff that comes out of them: violence, a never-ending list of laws, hardships, etc.

As I am reading through the Bible in 90 days this time around, I am looking for grace in each book. Surprisingly there are places of grace in these books.  Here are a few examples:

*God give Moses Aaron to speak for him since he is afraid. (4:1-17)
*God doesn't allow the plagues to hit the land of Goshen where the Israelites are living.
*Manna (God's gift of grace) each day to keep them alive.  They have just enough for each day. (chapter 16)

*God still protects the Israelites even though they have sinned. (26:44-45)

*Moses speaks to God face to face. (12:8)
*God provides for cities of refuge. (35:9)

*God watches over the Israelites for 40 years in the desert. (2:7)
*He provides more love than punishment. (5:9-10)
*He makes us dependent on Him (manna) so things will go well for us.  Even in the hard stuff He is trying to bless us. (8:16)
*The Lord won't leave us or forsake us. (31:8)

May we always be able to find His graces!

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