
Friday, February 11, 2011

Booking It Check-in

This year I am participating in Booking It which is hosted by Life as Mom.  Basically, I can either read books of my choosing, books from the Booking It 2011 list, or a combination of both.  For this month I decided to read some books of my choosing. There will be future months where I read from the Booking It list.

It has been a challenge in that I am currently try to read the Bible in 90 days.  But I have managed to get in some other reading. Actually, when I look back on it I am shocked at how much I have read! I actually read two books while also trying to read the Bible in 90 days!

I have already written reviews for these earlier in January when I finished them.  You can find them here and here.

I am currently working on reading  The Count of Monte Cristo (Penguin Classics) and really enjoying it!


  1. I followed your link from Life as Mom. I've never read The Count of Monte Cristo. After reading your post, I read some reviews on Amazon. I think I'll have to get it from my library. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I read the Count of Monte Cristo back in college and loved it. Glad to hear you are too! Happy Reading!

  3. The Bible in 90 Days- WOW! I'm trying to get through the Old Testament before summer, but I'm making plenty of time for my other readings. I know I would suffer reading "burn out" if I only read the Bible. That's not something that I'm proud to say, but it's true.
