I am super grateful this New Year...can you tell?
Getting to read One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
A husband cleaning the kitchen
A cozy, warm nap
The sweet smell of coconut
Peace after confession
Learning more about grace
Plants growing on the shelf in the kitchen
Warm, clean clothes from the dryer
A friend who calls...excited to spend time with me
Blessing others without realizing it
Tired eyes and rest
Contentment with what I have
Sleep overs
A smile from an enemy
The ability to return the smile
A new year
The anticipation of what this new year holds
Reading from one of the boys' new Kindles
Humor from friends
Playing Uno with the family
Blankets piled high on the bed
Dad's beautiful photography that makes me appreciate the world around us
Beating Tim at the game of Sequence
Listening to The Prince and the Pauper - Literary Touchstone Classic
Having an awesome New Year's with friends.
Getting to be a mentor for the Bible in 90 Days
Getting my Spanish lesson prep done
Working on my scrapbooks and getting to 2010 in Zach's!
Titan's fluffy beard
{Titan on the right with his mom, Olive}
I love it! I just started 'counting' and it has made a huge impact in my whole week! :)