
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal

The Homeschool Chick

In my life this week...
This has been a strange, slow week for us.  The boys and I got sick towards the end of the week and just had to slow down.  School didn't get done on Friday.  There has been a lot of sleeping going on!

In our homeschool this week...
This week despite the fact that we were/are sick we did get quite a bit of school done.  Zach finished reading The Hiding Place.  I absolutely love this story of Corrie Ten Boom.  What a woman of faith and courage! Since we were all very sick yesterday we watched the movie about her life.  Of course, I bawled.  Noah asked, "Why do women cry all the time?"  I told him, "Get used to it, honey! It is the way we are wired!"

Places we're going and people we're seeing...
Ok, obviously, we didn't go to a lot of places or see a bunch of people this week.  Earlier in the week the boys went to chess club.  And of course, I saw most of my Spanish students this week, but other than that it was pretty low key!
My favorite thing this week was...

Watching Billy Graham Presents: The Hiding Place and snuggling with Titan (our mini schnauzer) on the couch.

What's working/not working for us... We are so loving Apologia Science!  I am so glad that we found this curriculum.  Zach is doing General Science (Jr. high level book) and Noah is doing Human Anatomy.  The cool part is that Zach is at the point in his curriculum that he is studying human anatomy just like Noah.
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
Am I really going to successfully be able to get Zach through high school with all he needs?  He starts 9th grade in the fall.  I am a certified high school teacher (in Spanish) so you would think that I would feel confident about it all.  But I have to admit that there are lingering doubts.  I am also getting that sad feeling that we only have a few more years with him.

A photo to share...
I homeschool the boys in the morning and work part time in the afternoon teaching Spanish to other homeschool kids.  This week was a week of change for me.  I lost my most advanced student because she will be moving. I loved teaching her and discussing literature with her in Spanish.  It was so awesome!  But sometimes good things come to an end so that you can start another good thing.  I gained a new student this week.  Since I only communicated with his mom through e-mail before meeting them, I didn't realize that they were British.  So now I have a cute little six year old with a British accent learning Spanish.  Fun! 

{Here is a picture of the flowers I received from the student that I lost this week}


  1. Corrie ten Boom's story is amazing.

    Hope ya'll are feeling completely well soon.

  2. What beautiful flowers to receive. I bet they brightened your week after being sick. Hope you and your boys are doing better!
