
Monday, January 17, 2011

Gratitude and Grace

God is showing me that grace and gratitude go together. When God bestows His grace (unmerited favor) our response should be one of gratitude.


*The awesome opportunity to mentor others

*The opportunity to work

*Bible memorization that is finally coming together...I am making progress

*A birthday boy (Noah turned 10!)

*Another birthday party done and over with...I always breathe a sigh of relief!

*Friends that reach out

*Enough food

*Finding great recipes to share

*God's grace showing up when we least expect it

*Memory foam pillows

*Toothpaste!  What did we do before toothpaste?!

*Baskets to keep things organized


*Spanish lessons that go well

*My day planner that I can't live without

*Falafel and Tzatziki sauce

*Friends for my boys.  God has so richly blessed them this year with great friends.  It is something that I have been praying for for a long time.

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