
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Grace in Genesis

I don't think of the Old Testament as being full of grace.  I see a God there who punishes more than He pursues His people.  How wrong I have been!

God is a God of grace right from the get-go.  There is no question about it.  Considering that grace is unmerited favor take a look at the instances of it that jumped out at me as I have been attempting to read the Bible in 90 days again...

Here are the gifts of God's grace that I is interesting that some of these graces are actually people being gracious to others.  Could it be that once we experience the grace of God that we must share it with others?

-God provides us with food. {Genesis 1:29-30}

-The first sacrifice to cover Adam and Eve {3:21}

-Abel finding favor in God's eyes {4:4}

-Providing salvation for Noah and his family {chp. 6}

-"But God remembered Noah." {8:1}

-God promises never to destroy the whole earth again even if men are evil. {8:21}

-The call of Abraham so that he would be blessed and bless others {12:2}

-Abram gives Lot his choice of land (Would we be that gracious to a family member?) {chp. 13}

-Hagar finds a "God who sees" her {chp 16}

-Abraham is gracious to three visitors {chp 18}

-Abimelech graces Abraham with property even though Abraham lied to him {chp 20}

-"The Lord will Provide." {22:14}

-The Lord gives Leah children. {29:31}

-Rachel is given a son. {30:22}

-Esau forgives Jacob. {33:4}

-Joseph finds favor in God's and Potiphar's eyes. {chp 39}

-Joseph finds more favor. {39:21}

-Pharaoh dreams about the coming famine...give him time to get ready.  God is gracious even to those that are not His children. {chp 41}

-Joseph's forgiveness {chp 45}

-The Israelites living in Goshen {chp 47}

-Israel (Jacob) gets a chance to see Joseph again. {48:11}

I am sure that there are a plethora of graces that I missed....this list only scratches the surface....I have come to the conclusion that
All is grace.

1 comment

  1. Debbie, Great list and very thorough! Have you read Andy Stanley's new book, "The Grace of God"? He points out examples of Grace throughout the entire Bible.
