
Friday, November 12, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week has been a blur.  So little time to think! 

On Monday, Noah and a friend created a digestive theme park for their Apologia science.  They spent several hours constructing it. 

We have really been focusing on Bible memorization this week.  The boys are memorizing a whole series of verses.  I am trying to memorize all of Psalms 27.  I do believe their brains retain more than my soon-to-be 40 year old one.  Slowly but surely, I will get there.

I have realized that Zach hasn't been moving fast enough in his writing curriculum.  I am in the process of beefing up his lessons so that he has more to do each day.  With high school coming up on us, he needs to have his writing skills well intact.


  1. Love that digestive theme park. I am looking forward to doing that with the kids when we reach that point in our book. We are going a bit slow through ours.

  2. Yep, it really is not fair how easy memorizing is for kids. Still, I just have to remember to take advantage of it.

  3. Digestive theme park? What a fabulous science project!

