
Friday, November 19, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up: In Which We Ate Turkey for Breakfast!

This has been a busy week.  Between getting ready for Thanksgiving , Christmas shopping, school and other events I feel like a chicken with its head cut off (or maybe I am a turkey!).

On Monday we got through school and then I took Noah to a friend's house to work on his Apologia Anatomy. They tested for vitamin C in different juices.

On Tuesday the boys did school and then went to a friend's house to play.  I was frantically going to the store to get all the fixings for Thanksgiving.

Wednesday and Thursday were taken up with mainly school and me teaching Spanish lessons.

Friday is our favorite day of the school week! We will have horseback riding lessons for Noah. I will get to go to lunch with a friend, and the boys will finish off any schoolwork they have left.   For a special memory I surprised the boys (Tim included) with these Turkey Treats this morning!



  1. I love those turkey treats! Adorable!

  2. Oh, those are adorable. How did you do it??

  3. OH, those are so cute!
    came by from weekly wrap up.

  4. Phyllis- See the links in the post for instructions.

  5. Totally neat turkeys! Happy Thanksgiving!

    Our Side of the Mountain
