
Monday, November 1, 2010

Making it to a Thousand

holy experience

This is a big week for me...I have made it to a thousand blessings!

974. A fun fall festival
975. Pumpkin scones
976. Clean sheets on the bed
977. Sleeping in on a Saturday morning
978. A day NOT filled with anxiety...such a blessing!
979. Laughter with a friend
980. The boys' fall festival costumes
981. Good medical news
982. Exercising with a friend
983. Reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
984. Learning to work through my fears
985. Getting a new sink in one of the bathrooms
986. A husband that care for me and helps me in my weaknesses
987. Learning that God's grace is sufficient.
988. Realizing that it is my weaknesses that lead me to call out to God.
989. Watching the boys have fun with friends.
990. Watching my son that doesn't like to read really get into a book.
991. A husband who is very responsible with money.
992. That Thanksgiving and Christmas are favorite time of year!
993. Noah in his costume
994. Zach in his costume
995. Fudge from The Fudge Pot
996. Being an American
997. That God is faithful even when we are not
998. Time to myself
999. The hug of a friend
1,000. That God has given me so much to be thankful for.  That focusing on the positive has helped me change my attitude in life.

1 comment

  1. Congrats on reaching 1,000. I started my list today and I am excited. I love your boys' costumes!
