
Monday, November 8, 2010

Gratitude for Grace

holy experience

I may have made it to a 1,000 gifts, but the gratitude doesn't stop there. Here's to another year of gratitude...


Grace to cover our weaknesses

Time in His Word

Alone time to get things done

Freedom in Christ

Great Literature

Fresh apples from Azure Standard

A new T-shirt

Humor with a friend

Relatively warm weather for this time of year

Finding a great recipe for crockpot mac-n-cheese

Puppy greetings in the morning

Sleeping in

Safety for Tim on a recent flight

Dinner out

Watching my grown husband do magic tricks on the boys...he gets the biggest kick out of it!

Our Thanksgiving tree-each day every member of the family fills out a leaf die cut with something they are thankful for.  We then put the leaves on the tree.


  1. woohoo!! Congrats on your tee!

  2. WOW! Reading the Bible in 90 days . . . and I get frustrated when I don't finish it in a year! Ahhhhhh! We keep going though don't we?!?!

    Thank you for your list!
