
Monday, November 29, 2010

Advent Blessings

holy experience
Can you be thankful even after Thanksgiving? Yes! For me the season of Advent (that started yesterday) is a time to show gratitude.
The Advent season
A very slow week last week since our town was covered in ice.  No going was awesome.
Coconut Cream Pie
Children who fold laundry!
Family read alouds in the evening
Black Friday sales
Figuring out what gifts we are giving for Christmas
Evenings at home
Memorizing Psalms 27...I am almost through verse 5.  A big accomplishment for this old brain!

Card making
Lazy mornings
Friends over for Thankgiving
Successful Black Friday shopping
Time to sleep in
Getting all my Christmas cards almost done


1 comment

  1. I am thankful for YOU and your willingness to help with the next Bible in 90 Days session. :)
