
Monday, October 11, 2010

Gratitude in Grief

holy experience
Sometimes we need to let ourselves grieve...grief is not an easy event. It is work!  But in the grief there are blessings. Still counting mine...
910. This post
911. Tears and that God holds each one of them.
912. Comfy pajamas
913. I bought Noah's new science curriculum last week.
914. Friends to do science with.
915. Titan's recovery
916. That God loves us regardless of what we have done.
917. The book, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God
918. Tim receiving his payment for filming in the movie, Everybody Loves Whales.
919. Peace...I love that God gives me this and is teaching me how to fight my fears.
920. Flannel sheets
921. Brothers playing well together.
922. Modern conveniences like microwaves
923. Humor
924. Trees...we have been studying them in science. They are more significant than I had realized.
925. Down time to relax.
926. Big cinnamon rolls from Harvest Bread Co.


  1. great list! thanks for stopping by my blog.

    I read a great book this summer that had lots of encouragement and truth for helping me fight fear - it was Running Scared: Fear, Worry and the God of Rest by Ed Welch. highly recommended!

  2. Amy- Thanks for the book suggestion!

  3. I actually haven't read Crazy Love yet. I started it, but didn't get to finish it before I had to return it to the library. I did however read his book, Forgotton God, this summer and was really impacted by it.

    What a beautiful list.

  4. Haven't read Forgotten God, but want to!

  5. oooh! I love your blog! Thanks for visiting yesterday, love your list, too! It's awesome being thankful together. :)
