
Monday, September 20, 2010

Blessings when it hurts...

holy experience

It has not been an easy few weeks for me...lots of grief has been experienced in my life, but there is healing too.  Here is what I am thankful for...

856. Support from church members
857. Zach's spiritual birthday this past Saturday
858. Tim in a movie...his filming part is life will get back to normal
859. A wonderful, warm fall!  There has been no hard frost yet...incredible for here!
860. Golden leaves on trees
861. Friday afternoon naps...have become a tradition for me.  I am so exhausted by the end of the week.
862. Cell phones
863. Dinner out on a Friday night
864. God's faithfulness even when our prayers aren't answered in the affirmative
865. Getting my Sunday School lesson ready...we are doing a series on Jonah.
866. Dinner over at friends
867. Titan cuddling up to sleep by me
868. The awesome and fun stories Tim has been telling us about his experiences in being in a movie.
869. Watching the boys play outside on a fall afternoon
870. God's Word giving me the answer I needed

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