
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Starting a New Year

So this week we start our new school year...I can't believe that Zach will be in 8th grade!  Where has the time gone?  It seemed like yesterday that I was teaching Spanish at a local high and then I turn around and come to find that I almost have a highschooler!  It sends awe to my soul and shivers down my spine!

Noah will be in 4th grade!  There was a time in 2000 that I wasn't sure that I would have a second that child is 9 years old! That God has blessed me with not one, but two boys boggles my mind.

This school year I want to do things on my boys more...I have only so much time left to influence their lives before they are gone from our home. I am starting to "number my days" (Psalms 90:12) with them.

Here are a few things that I plan to do differently:

*Laugh more often with them.
*Love on them with notes of encouragement hidden in their school books.
*Accept them for who they are and not what I want them to become.
*Focus on Christ so that I can have patience with them.  Knowing that in time that God makes all things beautiful in His timing...and that includes the life of my boys.
*Plan more "fun days" to get through the drugery of the year that will most certainly come upon us.
*Instill a love of God's Word in them...if they have that and nothing else then I have been successful as a mom.
*Start the year with cupcakes!  It is our family tradition to start each school year with a fun cupcake.

So I guess I am look up some fun cupcake ideas....and write notes of encouragement!


  1. I'm right there with you, Debbie. Our time with our children is precious and limited. They grow up so fast! I want to make the most of it.

  2. Greetings,
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    - In the Vine, Jim & Cindy

  3. Sounds like a good year plan. It is important to take the time to have fun. I need to be reminded about it as well. Blessings on your year.

  4. I like your list. It reflects lots of wisdom and reflection. I probably need to do more of those as well.
