
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Self-Evaluation in Homeschooling

This week at the Homeschool Village we are discussing self-evaluation in homeschooling.

Here are some of the  questions that we could answer...

* What have you learned about yourself because of homeschooling? Did you realize you have a special gift, talent, or passion you hadn't realized before? For me, I realized that I have such a love of books and reading.  I have always enjoyed reading, but by becoming a homeschool mom I have had the opportunity to read more since I am reading to my kids a lot.  One area that I have loved is has become more alive to me since becoming a homeschool teacher. I have enjoyed the read alouds that I have done with the kids over the years...the straight history and the historical fiction.

* What area(s) do you feel you need the most improvement for the upcoming school year? What steps will you take to make those improvements? For me the area of improvement for the upcoming school year is the same one that I struggle with year after year: patience!  Patience enough to slow down and enjoy the lessons.  Patience to watch my boys struggle through their work. Patience to deal with my oldest who is on a different time schedule than I am.  I am going to try to focus on stepping back and giving it to God more. I have learned over the past 7 months that prayer can help in this area tremendously.  Now I know that they say never to pray for patience because then you will get circumstances where you will have to exercise it, but I am focusing more on giving my anxieties to God through prayer.  When I do that I notice that my patience with the boys and our schedule for the day increases.

If you want to see what other homeschool moms are saying about self-evaluation...check out the Homeschool Village.


  1. thanks Debbie for participating! History is definitely our favorite subject! Before we decided to homeschool I wanted to be a history teacher! Now I am!!

    great thoughts on patience! definitely an area I struggle.

    The Homeschool Village

  2. thanks for sharing your thoughts on patience!! I definitely needed to read them! I struggle with that also!

  3. Ah,yes. Patience is something I am developing more as I homeschool too. I have a feeling I'll develop even more patience this year as I teach two in two different grade levels! (Especially since the younger is on her own agenda already!)


  4. Yeah, this is why I never pray for patience. LOL! God will always answer!
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks for sharing about needing patience with your sons. My son is now 8 and he is a wonderful boy, but is getting a little bit of an attitude and he complains about every little piece of work I give him. You would think I ask him to read and write 100's of pages a day.

    I'll pray for you if you pray for me...we just won't use the "p" word ;-)
