
Monday, July 26, 2010

Bible in 90 Days....The Kings of Israel and Judah

I am attempting to read the Bible in 90 days.  I started on July 1st so I am a bit ahead of the online group.

I am currently in the Chronicles and ahead of schedule by about a week.  I am so thankful for this because once September hits I am going to have a hard time reading with working part time and homeschooling.

I have been reading through all the stories of the Kings of Israel and Judah.  It is amazing how sin begets sin.  All the Kings of Israel did evil in the eyes of the Lord.  However, with the Kings of Judah there were a few that decided to do what was right.  What impressed me about reading the history of Judah is that God blessed them even when there was a bad king on the throne.  He blessed them for the sake of King David.  This fact encourages me to have a heart that follows God...because David did, his descendants were blessed.  I want my children and grandchildren to follow God with their whole heart and to be blessed.  I pray that I will be able to give my whole heart to God so that future generations will be blessed.


  1. I love your thoughts! Can't wait to read more this week. I'm only a day ahead, but like you I'd like to get a little more ahead before all the busyness of fall hits.

  2. I pray the same thing for my children!
    Way to go on being ahead! I am right on track, but pray to get ahead as well!
    God Bless!
