
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Learning about Argentina-Ushuaia

In December, the boys and I are embarking on a study of Argentina through the unit on ChĂșcaro, a book about some gauchos (Argentine cowboys).  I have been to Argentina three times, twice by myself and once with Tim.  When I went with Tim, we traveled to Misiones Province which is in northern Argentina and very tropical.  We also went the southernmost city in the world, Ushuaia (pronounced "oo-shoe-eye-ah"). Ushuaia is a remarkable place...kind of the end of the earth. We felt comfortable there as it has a similar feel to Alaska (also kind of "the end of the earth"). We went in the winter time (summer here in the States) and were able to enjoy snow down in Tierra del Fuego (Tierra del Fuego means "fire land" and is the province where Ushuaia is located).  Not that we need more opportunities to enjoy snow! LOL!

The city and surrounding area has about 64,000 people which was more to our liking than the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, with its millions of people. Here is a picture of the city of is so picturesque.

Well, while the boys are learning more about the country of Argentina, I thought I would do the same. Recently, I bought a book for Tim called Rounding the Horn by Dallas Murphy. He recently finished the book, and now I am reading it.  While some of it is technical and scientific I am enjoying learning more about the tip of South America and Cape Horn.

So far, I have only read three chapters, but I am enjoying learning more about the area, the geography and history of the area.

Stay tuned in the month of December for more posts about Argentina.  You will be able to find all my posts about our Argentina unit under the "labels" category on the left-hand sidebar.  That way, if you are ever interested in doing a unit on Argentina you can go through my posts for extra information and activities.

Ushuaia-fin del mundo (End of the World)


  1. The photos are beautiful. My daughter's art pen pal is from Argentina. I will be sure to show this to her.

  2. I'm looking forward to reading about your studies! My brother was going to go to Buenos Aires 2 weeks ago, but then my mom ended up in the hospital. Anyway, I'm planning on doing various country studies next sememster and I'll probably add this one to our list! Thanks. :-)
