
Monday, November 23, 2009

When Gratitude is Difficult...

holy experience
Probably the hardest time to have gratitude would be when you are going through rough times.  That has been my life these past few weeks, so this list is extra important.
121. Family and friends that are faithful
122. Brokeness, yes, I am thankful for my brokeness! God is speaking to me through it.
123. Ann's post of  the Broken Beloved.  I so needed to read this this past week!
124. A card from a friend
125. Humor from another friend
126. Homemade cinnamon vanilla applesauce made from organic apples from Azure Standard

127. Sharing a bulk food order with a friend
128. God teaching me how to face my giants.

129. A God who protects me
130. Thanksgiving
131. A God who sees me and knows where I am coming from
132. God speaking through my Bible study this week.  Every lesson I did was directly related to my tough situation...concepts like God going before us into battle, the rage of jealousy, that when we suffer God doesn't leave us, etc.
133. Taco soup on a cold night
134. Time with the Jr. High kids from church
135. Laughter
136. The ability to stand for what is right
137. The strength to keep on going in the face of adversity
138. Knowing my eternal destiny
139. The life of King David...his situation has spoke to me the most this week
140. Encouraging, uplifting words from friends...I wouldn't have made it through this past week without them.
141. This quote from a friend, So, even though it hurts – sometimes I’m thankful, even for the pain. I never thought that would have made any sense years ago. I’m not actually sure it does now. But that pain brought so many blessings – when I stopped running from it – blaming others for it – and accepting my pain & brokenness as my own. Angie-you are brilliant!

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