
Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving after Thanksgiving

holy experience
Even after Thanksgiving you can give thanks!  Here is my continuing list of things to be thankful for...
142. A husband who helps me through my weaknesses.
143. A former student who sent me an email and a word of encouragement.
144. A Word from God...He never leaves me nor forsakes me.
145. Getting my Christmas cards done.
146. Coconut cream pie!

147. Christmas decorations.

148. The ability to get through the hard times.
149. Peace in my heart.
150. A long weekend.
151. God's Word, my constant help.

152. Hot chocolate...yum!
153. The ability to go back to sleep after having insomnia.
154. Watching the kids have fun with their friends.
155. Thanksgiving day with friends.
156. Walks with Titan.
157. Support from church family.
158. Good books to read-I am reading one about the tip of South America that is fascinating!
159. A dirty house...yes, a dirty one!  I am thankful for my house no matter what condition it is in right now!
160. The Argentina unit that we get to start today.  Can't wait to teach the boys about this wonderful area of the world.
161. The ability to forgive.
162. Watching a movie with Tim with the Christmas tree and village lights on. 
163. My Partylite Nativity scene-one of my favorite decorations at Christmas.

164. The start of Advent and reading Tabitha's Travels.

165. Talking to my brother this past weekend on Thanksgiving.
166. Church Christmas parties that are coming up.
167. Getting a settlement check from a bankrupt business that owed us money.  We waited 14 years for that check!
168. Music that stirs the soul.
169. The sanctuary at church all decorated for Christmas.
170. My co-teacher in the Jr. High Sunday School class...I am so thankful that she taught for several weeks to give me a bit of a break.

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