
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Do you smell like Jesus?

Recently, in the Jr. High Sunday School class that I teach we talked about how leprosy is like sin.  Both are infectious, decaying (one decays the skin, the other the heart), hard to look at, and smelly.  Smelly? Yes, decaying flesh smells and so does sin.  I asked the kids what they wanted to smell like and told them that they could always opt to smell like Jesus!  Smell like Jesus...what in the world does that mean? Have you ever gone into someone's home that smelled so good from baking (think chocolate chip cookies or apple pie!)that when you left  your clothes smell that way? Or have you ever gone into a building where someone had been smoking?  What did your clothes smell like after that?  How did you get those smells on you?  By spending time in those places. How do we smell like Jesus? By spending time with Him!  We are the aroma of Christ, and we need to make sure we smell like Him to high heaven! I constantly have to remind myself that I have two smell like sin or to smell like Jesus.

"For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."  II Corinthians 2:15


  1. Great post, Debbie. When I saw the title, I HAD to read the post.

  2. hey Debbie i have practically become a fan of yours and what a great post this is. you are truly being a blessing to me and also an inspiration too God bless you.

  3. Thanks, Sylvia, for the words of encouragement!
