
Monday, October 26, 2009

Multitude Mondays- What are they?

holy experience
What is Multitude Monday?  It is an opportunity to show gratitude and list the things you are thankful for each Monday.  Gratitude can change your perspective on life.  If you are interested see Ann's blog.
Here is my continuing list...the get to 1,000!
41. That Christ loves us as is!
42. Yummy smelling candles
43. Living in a free country where I can worship God.
44. The opportunity I had to spend time in South America and see how others live.
45. Getting the time to scrapbook
46. God's protection in our lives
47. Coffee- Two of my favorites...with coconut creamer or St. Nickerdoodle coffee (a coffee from North Pole, AK) and hot chocolate mix.  YUM!
48. What God has been doing in the Sunday School class I teach.  It is awesome to see young people growing in the Lord!
49. Our science this year!  The boys and I are really enjoying what we are studying (zoology).  It is such a blessing for them to be excited about it and to look forward to it.
50. Homemade is so yummy when it comes out of the oven!
51. Great Christian Songs...I have really been enjoying this song lately ever since our Creative Movement team at church did it.

52. Walks with my puppy

53. Blogging!  I really enjoy doing this!

54. Free curriculum!  We have been so blessed by using Homeschool Share.

55. Great books to read

56. My boys' complete opposite personalities!  They always keep me hopping!

57. Our trip to Canada this past summer that created such great memories

58. Snow!  Yes, would think that living in Alaska would taint your view of snow (and many times it does), but it is beautiful especially when it covers the trees.

59. That God is an amazing architect and artist.  His world is so beautiful!

60. Multitude Mondays!  For helping me focus on those things I need to be thankful for!


  1. What a great list (and a great idea)!

    We take so much for granted, don't we?

    Have a super week~

    Lisa @
    All That and a Box of Rocks

  2. A wonderful list! In all things, mental, emotional, and spiritual, God's hand is visible if we just take the time to look.

  3. I'm thanking God for your list:) I'm learning so much about being thankful by reading other's thankful list.

    Thank you for sharing it.

