
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dog Breeds Lapbook Setup

Zach is going to be doing a lapbook on dog breeds over the next couple of weeks.  The lapbook comes from Hands of a Child. He has really developed an interest in dog breeds and dog training since getting our mini Schnauzer, Titan, this past summer. So I decided that I would set up his assignments for the lapbook ahead of time so that he can be as self-sufficient as possible as he works through the lapbook pieces. He is in 7th grade and by this time he should be able to do most of this on his own.  I wanted to set it up so that I could easily put the materials in his workbox.  Here is what I did:

I made a schedule for what lapbook pieces he should do each day.  One piece of the lapbook is to study the top 20 dog breeds and do a fact file on each.  So that will be an ongoing project.

Next, I printed off the informational pages that are in each Hands of a Child Lapbook. This is the packet he will need to use to get his information to finish the pieces.  I also printed off the activity instructions so that he will know what to do for each piece.
I then decided that I would cut out his pieces for him.  He hates cutting, and that is a big roadblock for him in doing lapbooks.  I cut the pieces out and put them in baggies with the number of the activity that corresponds to the activity number in the instructions.  That way he can just look at what number the piece is and find the same number in the instructions.  We are not doing every single lapbook piece.  Really, it is ok!  It is ok to not do every single thing!  I would rather him focus on the parts that will interest him the most.

I stapled the ends of a file folder to make a large pocket.  I then adhered the schedule on the front.  I Finally, the information packet, the activity instructions, and the lapbook pieces were slipped inside.  This is ready for his workbox!

Stay tuned!  When he is finished with it I will post pictures.


  1. Love it! Great way to work the workboxes.

  2. Quite clever dear. My son is not big on cutting either (unless he is in the mood). So I do that too. I like how you devised the schedule. I am pocketing that into my lapbook ideas, for my son in the future (he doesn't read well enough yet to have this with his stuff at this time).

    Have a good one!
