
Friday, October 16, 2009

Caramel Apples

Are these the cutest little "Caramel" Apples you have ever seen?  I am thinking that we are going to try these sometime soon!  These are covered in melted peanut butter chips.  Now even though I like peanut butter, I am not fond of the chips.  I may try these with just regular caramel or chocolate.  Yum!  Here is the recipe...kind of cool how you make the "mini apples". And a tip I read from another site...make sure you dry the apples real well before trying to dip them.


  1. These are definitely going on the to-make list! I liked her idea of using the melon baller for the apples (but the cake idea is yummy too!).

  2. So cute!

    I was inspired by your post and tried a carmel apple kit. Unfortunately, it burned. :(

    Can't win 'em all! LOL
