
Monday, October 5, 2009

An Attitude of Gratitude

holy experience
Candace over at His Mercy is New introduced me to the blog Holy Experience.  Every Monday is "Multitude Monday" at Holy opportunity to take a few moments and list the blessings in your life that you are thankful for.  The goal is to eventually list 1,000 things that you are thankful for.  God has been teaching me that "Whatever you focus on, increases."  So focusing on my problems or the negative is only going to make matters worse.  My goal is to focus on the positive in my life.  Here is the start of my list....
1. My relationship with God. I have suffered from what I would call spiritual or religious abuse at the hands of a family never ceases to amaze me that I didn't give up on my relationship with God.  Maybe I should say that I am thankful He didn't give up on me!
2. My husband who is perfect for me!  How could I have truly known that when I married him?
3. My two boy whom I love dearly.
4. Our newest family member, a mini Schnauzer, named Titan.  He is such a character!

5. A recent visit with my dad.  I dearly love him! He showed me who Jesus really is!

6. I love fall.  My favorite is a short season here in Alaska so that makes me appreciate it all the more when it arrives.
7. Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.  Yum!

8. Precious friends...I have one friend who is my complete opposite and yet we get along so well.  It is amazing. Growing up as an Army brat I never thought I would have any close friends because of all the moves.  However, God brought this woman (also a former Army brat!) into my life.  So thankful he did.
9. So thankful for the little things like an abundance of food.
10. That I was born in the US.  I have been can be real tough in some areas of the world.


  1. What a very honest and wonderful list. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your puppy looks like Michael J Fox in Back to the Future, with his "life vest" on. SO preciously cute! Not Michael, but Titan. Nice post. Thanks for stopping by the Meme-ohh, I just noticed in your side bar you have a Monkey and Hedgehog lapbook-gotta check that out! Cheetahs and Rhinos too-OK, off to explore!


  3. Welcome to the community. It is such a wonderful place to see His gifts. Thank you for sharing with us.
