
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Update on Our Zoology Lapbooks

This year we are doing Zoology for our science.  You can see our plans here. We are basically going though the different phyla of the animal kingdom.  So far we have done invertebrates and we just started on vertebrate by studying amphibians.  Our is to move onto the rest of the vertebrates spending the most time on mammals. Here you can see our lapbooks/notebooks of the booklets we have done so far. I am taking the lapbook pieces from different sources.  Here is a list of the ones we are using:
Homeschool Share (most of the pieces will be from this awesome site!)
Some lapbook pieces created by me using files from Homeschool Share since I am a member there.
The big notebooks that we are putting our pieces in are from Bare Books.  We love these spiral bound books!  They are high quality yet not pricey!

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