
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lego Sphinx--Can They Build It?

We are in the midst of studying ancient Egypt. So I thought it would be fun for them to try to build a Lego Sphinx. No, we can't build what you see in the above picture...far more Legos than we own!!! I am putting the instructions in their workboxes tomorrow...we will see what happens!


  1. Oooh this looks cool! Thanks for posting the link Debbie! I have a Lego lover here. I'm saving this one.

  2. Man, that is sweet-my son would love to build that! I wold too! Thanks for joining the meme-hope you get lots of visitors!

  3. Love this idea Debbie! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

  4. My son would love this! But the link is no longer available, do you still have the instructions?

  5. I don't have the instructions anymore and it looks like the link is broken. Bummer! I know on youtube there are some videos on how to do it that might help. Preview them to see if they will work.

  6. Thank you so much anyways :) I'll try youtube :)
