
Thursday, September 3, 2009

I was interviewed!

Kathleen over at El Rincón Español interviewed me about teaching Spanish at home. If you are not familiar with El Rincón Español it is a blog to help homeschooling parents teach Spanish at home. Kathleen has lots of tips and learning tools on her blog. If you are teaching Spanish you need to check out her site.

Kathleen is such a creative person, not only in the posts that she provides for parents, but also in her description of herself and her blog! I just have to share her description of herself because it tickles me every time I read it....

A mild-mannered homeschool mom who is faster than a speeding flash card, more powerful than a mega-workbook, and able to leap tall unabridged bilingual dictionaries in a single bound! Look! Up in cyberspace! It's a flamenco skirt! It's an irregular verb chart! No, it's just me, and it's time to learn Spanish.

Here are the links to the interview she did with me:

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