
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Our Upcoming Workbox Week

Kendra over at the Aussie Pumpkin Patch hosts a weekly meme for workboxes. Check out her site as she has a lot of cool ideas!

Here is what is planned for our week...
In history we are working on Ancient Egypt. Here are some of the books that we are currently reading...
For science this week we will be working on two items....animal classification and amphibians. These are actually two different lapbooks that we will be doing. Why two lapbooks at one time? Well, the amphibian one is from A Journey Through Learning and I will be reviewing it for the TOS Crew. The other one is from Hands of a Child and was what I had originally scheduled for this week.
Another fun item that will be in both the boys workboxes this week is A-Z Mystery Flags. This is a cursive handwriting book with cool exercises. I got this book because I wanted to teach my boys how to read regular cursive. My boys learn cursive italic without all the loops and frills, but they still need to be able to read the loopy cursive. So they do the activities by converting the loopy cursive into italics. When we finish with this book they will have written every country from A-Z out. There are also mystery flags to try to figure out which country they are from. And for geography, I am having them find every country that they write out on the map. This past week we did the countries that started with "A". This week will be the "B" countries. Here is a sample page so that you can see what they look like. This book is by LightHome Publications.


  1. Ooo, very cool :D We're both working on Ancient Egypt! lol

  2. Yes, Kendra, I thought that was pretty neat!

  3. too funny, I just borrowed the How to Make mummy book you displayed from the library..we are reading that one this week well as the Golden neat!

    I think I will write up a quick post to share too :)

  4. Great ideas! My sister and nephew really enjoy the Hands Of A Child Lapbooks. We haven't tried them yet.
