Last week I made a long list of ideas to use in our workboxes. A lot of these activities are based on my boys likes and interests. These would be activities outside of our normal curriculum. This is what I came up with....
*Small bag of Legos with instructions to build something (build a food, a vehicle, a building, etc.)
*TOS Crew materials (that we will need to review this year)

*We will use the above book that we picked up while in Canada. Some of the activities will be...
-Build provincial flags out of legos
-Color the provincial flags
-Read the history of the province. Narrate it to mom.
-Write down how each province got its name.
-Label provincial maps.
*Draw historical scenes.
*Color scenes from the Story of the World activity book.
*Kid cryptograms
*Calculator games
*Learn the Babylonian number system
*Study Times Tales
*Put envelopes of skip count numbers in order (Right Start game box)
*Study "Yo, Millard Fillmore!" book to learn the presidents
*Read a Greek myth and then tell it back to mom
*Whittle something
*Magic number squares
*Cook a recipe
*Create a chess board out of legos
*Study chess strategies
*Make 3D snowflakes
*Label a picture with Spanish words
*Pick a Bible story and draw its events
*Listen to Skip Count Kid CD
*Make a list of extinct animals
*Do Word Roots computer game
*Find a country for every letter of the alphabet
*Look at a map of the US. Categorize the state according to what letter they start with.
*Alphabetize the states.
*Put the books of the Bible in order from a list of the books which are out of order.
*A-Z exotic animals

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