
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Photos courtesy of Harlan Humphrey (Dad).


  1. Hi Debbie, I love the picture in your header! I *so* wish we lived near enough to water to be able to teach my boys to surf and kayak and everything else. There is water somewhat nearby, but it's frozen 8 moths of the year!

    I know I totally flaked on my Fitness Friday post last week (Well, not really. I was without internet.), but I put one up yesterday. If you'd like to write another Shred post, feel free to add a link,

    Fitness Friday - week 2, at muddy boots

    How's your Shred going? I was supposed to re-measure last night but I chickened out. Maybe this morning...

  2. The photos are beautiful, Debbie.
