
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Bible Study Group

I am waiting to receive my Bible study in the mail that I posted about a few days ago. This is the study that Beth Moore decided to do with those that follow her blog. I was invited by Christine over at the Bible Study Cafe for Women to join their small online group as we go through this study. I am so excited! Now if only the book would arrive in the mail!


  1. Debbie,

    At the last minute I ordered the workbook! LOL! After watching Jennifer's promo video and Beth's video I felt like this study would be really good for me. I do'nt have my book yet, but am downloading the free chapter. And of course I'll be out of pocket while in Hawaii, but am REALLY looking forward to doing this study, even if I'm off on the timing and doing it by myself! LOL! I'm eager to read what you learn too!

  2. Candace-I just got the book and I love it...will be posting soon about it.
